My Son’s Birth | Lawton, Oklahoma Birth Photographer

On August 11th, 2014 at 7:58 am, my family of 5 grew to a family of 6. Proud seems like an understatement to how we all feel about our new son! His birth was a scheduled c-section which for me was a bit of a bummer, because I wanted him to come on his own terms, when HE was ready! But much to my surprise when I checked in that morning, we saw that I was contracting like crazy, every 2 minutes! I did feel them, but I just shrugged it off to be normal pregnancy pains 🙂 So I do think that August 11th, was to be his day indeed!

His actual birth was a bit uncomfortable, OK, ill tell the truth, it was horrible. LOL This was my 2nd c-section, and it was nothing like the 1st one I had. I don’t know if I didn’t get enough medications, or maybe since I knew what to expect, I paid more attention this time, or maybe because he turned out to be a big boy. Either way, I got through it and the pain all faded away as soon as I was finally able to hold my little (big) man. As soon as I saw him, I knew him to be the most beautiful thing ever.

I was so excited to get my 3 older children in to meet their new brother! We kept his name a secret my whole pregnancy, we wanted our older children to have a special part in him arriving, so they were the first to meet him, and learn his name, the plan was for them to announce his name and introduce him to the rest of my family. However my very excited husband accidentally let it slip, when everyone came in the room, he couldn’t help himself, LOL I could have thrown a shoe at him! Haha! But its OK, he was really just too happy and proud and didn’t even realize he did it 🙂

I know you come here for the photos, so I will wrap this up 😉 In summary, this is one of the best days of my life I’m sharing with you! The photos are not greatest professional quality, and there are not very many, because the camera was pretty much passed around by others, since I obviously couldn’t take them myself, but they are to be cherished by us for always. I did hire a professional colleague of mine, to come to the hospital and do a mini for us. I took a few myself, which are in this post, but I spent the majority of my time getting to know my new son, and falling in love with him. I have shared a few of the images my photographer friend took, down at the bottom of the post, there is a link to her work, why don’t you take a moment and go check her out?!

Now to introduce to you my son, Wyatt Jameson Kennedy 

9 pounds & 3 oz, and 21 inches long

                                                                                                                                              My sweet daughter, Micaela, made me a get well card ♥                                                                                                                                    Yummy! Compliments of Comanche County Memorial Hospital                                                                                                                                                             YAY! We are on our way home now!The following photos are all copyright Front Porch Photography by Ashley Cabelka

I am so thankful for her! Hiring her to come up and do a hospital session for my family took a huge weight off my shoulders!

It was nice to not stress on all the hospital pictures, and just devote my time to falling in love with my son!

Here are the links to her work:


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  • Shyanne - These are just wonderful! Yours and hers! I am still so thankful for the moments you captured of my sweet boy!ReplyCancel
